Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lesson #13 -- Re. del.icio.us & Tagging:

Several hours later: have just explored del.icio.us, including watching the 8 minute video. I even opened up my own account, but haven't been able to bookmark anything. I'm working on a friend's computer (not online @ home) & I don't want to add anything to her Toolbar, so I just keep going around this mouse maze -- it doesn't seem to be as "user-friendly" as it claims to be, @ least not for those of us who aren't online on our own computers. I'll try again tomorrow when I'm @ CML. In the meantime. I will say that del.icio.us does look interesting, especially if it means that I can access my bookmarks from any computer.

Some time later -- Desi just walked me through Del.icio.us, helped me bring in some bookmarks, even download my Favorites from my CML account. The two coolest features for me right now are: 1. Access to other people's lists -- that's the "social" part(found a really cool one re. C.S.Lewis, complete w/ a cartoon of Lewis on horseback -- Lewis would love it! -- found @ http://personal.bgsu.edu/~edwards/lewis.html),

& 2. Now I can carry my Bookmarks w/ me & access them @ whatever computer I find myself.

One more note: in reading the Lesson re. del.icio.us, I noticed the instructions to record my Blogger URL in my Progress Report, which I will do. So far I've been recording my progress by copying the URL's for the service we were assigned (e.g., Flickr, Bloglines, etc.). So looks like I need to go back & re-enter only the URL's connected to my BlogPosts, somewhat frustrating. I'm new @ most of this, learning a lot of new material, & doing the best I can (recall that last week I went through a Category 1 Hurricane & lost power for a whole week -- not an easy week). Onward.

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