Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lesson 11, LibraryThing:

In an island of Electrical Power 'midst a sea of power outages, candles-only for light, & failing refrigerators, I write today's Blog entry. Just visited LibraryThing, signed up, & started adding titles to My Library -- mostly C.S.Lewis, one of my favorites, seemed a logical place to start. LibraryThing looks like a cool site -- all those books! Now, back to the so-called real world of shelving.

Later, much later, actually: A week has passed, the lights are on, my frig (which magically appeared on Channel 4's Wednesday night newscast, 9/17/08, when my husband was interviewed by David Wayne -- it's a long story. The short version: Desi drove me home to find an NBC truck in front of our home & my dining room full of t.v. cameras, crew, microphones, the whole bit -- the rest is media history; maybe I'll find it when we explore YouTube) -- back to my now back to it's cool self & we're trying to get on w/ our so-called lives.

Now for comments re. LibraryThing:
I've just started exploring it but I can see what a valuable resource it can be for keeping track of books, both content & sources, for personal use & library services. Looks like just the beginning of new ways of doing things. This will require both staff training (23 Lessons is a good start; @ least we're becoming familiar w/ what's available & starting to be somewhat comfortable w/ it) & also customer training. No matter how "user friendly" this stuff is, most people need some training not only to do it, but also to keep up w/ the changing technology -- even my geekie, techie, software-writing friends agree on that.


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